Hello, I’m Maggy Burrowes, welcome to my website

This website is intended to be both an information hub for all aspects of The Feldenkrais Method® and a continuously-developing resource for anyone interested in exploring on-going personal growth, and maturing into their most fully potent self.

If you would like regular updates about all my classes and workshops you can sign up for my newsletter here

What’s coming up Online

Daily Class–Immersive Courses

Effortless Sitting

February 10th – 14th

1 hour of Awareness Through Movement & 30 minutes in-depth class discussion each day

Online – Recordings & Notes included

Times: Monday and Thursday: 2–3.30pm GMT  ~  9–10.30am EST  ~  6–7.30am PST

Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 12–1.30pm GMT  ~  7–8.30am EST  ~  4–5.30am PST

£100 (suggested fee, or any donation welcome)

Whether at a desk, in a car, or on the floor, healthy, happy sitting for long periods requires flexibility, mobility and efficient use of your spine, your lower back and your hip joints.  This daily course will help you to develop greater awareness of your natural balance in sitting, standing and walking and improving these daily activities is generally very  useful for the relief of sciatica, and back, neck and shoulder pain.

Awareness Through Movements helps you unlearn the habitual movement patterns that inhibit your movement and trigger pain, and to rejuvenate the way you do the things you do every day, whether walking, or standing, or sitting, or running, driving, typing, playing music, writing, speaking, singing – literally anything you are doing can be done better with less tension and more sensory self awareness.

Sitting with more ease could transform your life!

These are very practical courses and you will receive notes and supporting materials to help you maintain the improvements you gain from your immersive Awareness Through Movement experience.

Potent Voice Sunday Workshops…

Vocal Health & WellBeing

Improving your vocal health can also improve your general health – come and find out how!

February 23rd

Online + Recordings & Notes

2 pm – 5 pm GMT  [9 am – 12 pm EST]

£45 (suggested fee, or any donation welcome)

We will be looking at improving our breathing, tongue posture, spine and neck posture, and at useful processes for healing and strengthening both the speaking and singing voice. We will also explore using the voice as an effective way to improve the functioning of our autonomic nervous system and our immune system – more details soon.

My Potent Voice workshops are beneficial for:

Singers, presenters, performers, and anyone interested in the voice, and any aspect of self-expression

Anyone dealing with chronic stress issues, or breathing problems/conditions

Anyone dealing with chronic tension in the face, tongue, jaw, neck, and throat

Anyone interested in meditation, chanting, and neural self-regulation

Anyone who feels that emotional inhibition is limiting their capacity for self-expression and self-assertion.

Please do contact me with any questions you may have, and note that BOOKING IS BY EMAIL, so you can contact me via this link if you want to reserve your place for any of my online events.

You are also always welcome to sign up for the recordings and notes of any course should you be unable to join us live.

Voice & Movement Live Class

The Telegraph Hill Centre

*Saturday Classes restart Spring 25

This is a monthly Saturday class designed to give you the opportunity to experience Awareness Through Movement combined with experimental vocal sounds in a mindful, playful, joyful way.

Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement classes teach you to access your innate capacity for changing your brain – known as ‘neuroplasticity’ – and thus improve your ability to both learn new skills and to unlearn old habits you would like to leave behind.

My Potent Voice work is designed to enable you to access your breath and your full voice in a more spontaneous and organic manner.

Combining the two allows you to more effectively “embody” the way you express yourself, both physically and verbally, and over time you will begin to develop a more immediate and more authentic relationship with all sensory messages coming to you from your internal and external sensory systems, through your muscles, your fascia, your breathing, your skin, your balance, your ears and eyes, and, with practice, from your solar plexus, your heart, and your centre of gravity deep in the abdomen and also known as ‘the hara’. As your perceptual capacity increases you will also become better able to access your ability to self-soothe whenever you are experiencing anxiety or distress.

More Upcoming dates for your diary…

Effortless Arms & Hands

Daily Immersive – April 7th-11th 2025

…All online sessions include recordings and notes. For more details click here for workshops, and here for regular classes

FaceBook: Feldenkrais & Embodied Voice, HumanSong––Self-Expression & Performance

Movement Is Life!

Telegraph Hill Centre – Studio 2 

Kitto Road, SE14

Awareness Through Movement Drop-In Class


Wednesdays  2.45pm – 4pm

£12.50 / £10

Movement is all important. From cardiovascular health, bone density, joint functioning to central nervous system optimisation. For the health of each and every cell in your organism, to your mental wellbeing and overall happiness. Movement is life. And life is movement!
Rodolfo R. Llinás, MD, PhD

…but the phrase was a big favourite with Moshe Feldenkrais as well – I wrote a blog post about it

Live class, extra info: I have enough mats and head rests that you do not need to bring your own, however in our current situation I would prefer you bring along a clean sheet or towel to lay over your mat and any headrests you might use, until our current covid-19 precautions become unnecessary. Do bring anything else you need to make sure you are comfortable on the floor – some people like to bring an extra-soft pillow or a blanket with them. The space is lovely, with big windows but also well-supplied with radiators; as the class is now in the daytime we should not have any heating issues, nevertheless it may be worth bringing a couple of layers with you if you tend to get chilly when you relax.

Customised Workshops for Companies & Organisations

I am always happy to design a workshop for a specific purpose – good ergonomic self-use for office workers, good vocal self-use for performance communities, good performance skills for everyone – contact me to discuss what you would like.

Feldenkrais International on YouTube

The International Feldenkrais community have been producing some attractive films to promote what is still a not very well known process with enormous benefits to offer. If you would like see the whole series in English click here. If you would like to see the full International Feldenkrais Federation film collection, which is available in multiple languages, click here view the YouTube Channel.

Going out to play…
In an Awareness Through Movement class we all become Feldenkrais Babies!
Small movements, big gains!
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