I teach approaches to breathing from many different angles: I am a Feldenkrais teacher, so breathing in a free and fluid manner is a core “Energise Your Breathing & Discover Your Potent Self”
Category: Potent Voice
HumanSong: Liberate Your Authentic Voice
Birdsong Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi, 1207-1273 Birdsong brings reliefto my longingI’m just as ecstatic as they are,but with nothing to say!Please universal soul, practicesome song, or “HumanSong: Liberate Your Authentic Voice”
Breathing–Anatomy & Function
The Lungs The lungs, our primary organs of respiration, are contained within the chest cavity. Shaped rather like an orange segment divided in two, they are “Breathing–Anatomy & Function”
Breath Fully & Realign Your Spine
We inhale, we expand our thorax, and we gently massage our lower organs; then we exhale, we relax, we release and ‘let go’. There is “Breath Fully & Realign Your Spine”
Becoming a “Stradivarius”…
My Embodied Voice course is intended to give anyone who wants them the tools and the sensory-motor awareness necessary to speed up the development of their unique instrument, and their ability to play it with skill – I always do my best to instil the curiosity and confidence necessary to explore the human voice to its full potential.
Listening & Hearing: Picking Up Good Vibrations
In my mission to discover the full potential of sound-making, singing, and the human voice, it has become more and more clear over the years that the ability to maximise our hearing by improving the way we listen is a vital element of both the tonal qualities available to us when we vocalise, and the ease with which we produce our voice in speech and song.
The Rhythms Of Life
Harmonising Your Diaphragms & Your Sphincters When we think about the way we move as an indicator of the state of our health, we might “The Rhythms Of Life”
What is a “fully conscious voice”?
When you attend an Awareness Through Movement class you lie on the floor and follow instructions for very precise actions from your teacher, but she “What is a “fully conscious voice”?”
BodyMindfulness – A peaceful, easy feeling…
I came across this quotation a few years ago now, but it is still very timely: “There is one thing that, when cultivated and regularly “BodyMindfulness – A peaceful, easy feeling…”
Figuring Pain Out with The Feldenkrais Method
Current research into pain supports the view that the pain you experience is a message – your nervous system is signalling to your conscious brain “Figuring Pain Out with The Feldenkrais Method”