In my mission to discover the full potential of sound-making, singing, and the human voice, it has become more and more clear over the years that the ability to maximise our hearing by improving the way we listen is a vital element of both the tonal qualities available to us when we vocalise, and the ease with which we produce our voice in speech and song.
Category: Awareness Through Movement
The Rhythms Of Life
Harmonising Your Diaphragms & Your Sphincters When we think about the way we move as an indicator of the state of our health, we might “The Rhythms Of Life”
What is a “fully conscious voice”?
When you attend an Awareness Through Movement class you lie on the floor and follow instructions for very precise actions from your teacher, but she “What is a “fully conscious voice”?”
Sitting Well – Or “Everything You Know About Posture Is Wrong!”
By way of an example, have a look at this piece How To Sit Ergonomically At Work. It is a good article, it is mostly “Sitting Well – Or “Everything You Know About Posture Is Wrong!””
BodyMindfulness – A peaceful, easy feeling…
I came across this quotation a few years ago now, but it is still very timely: “There is one thing that, when cultivated and regularly “BodyMindfulness – A peaceful, easy feeling…”
Dynamic Stability & Hypermobility Syndrome
“In poor posture the muscles are doing a part of the job of the bones.” Moshe Feldenkrais: Awareness Through Movement, 1980 Correct “Posture” versus Dynamic “Dynamic Stability & Hypermobility Syndrome”
Sciatica, Fibromyalgia, and the Purpose of Pain
“Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself its own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it.” Niels Bohr (Physicist)* “Sciatica, Fibromyalgia, and the Purpose of Pain”
Grace – Awareness Through Movement In Action
Grace is one of the benefits that I offer to entice potential students to come and try out my classes, but I suspect for many “Grace – Awareness Through Movement In Action”
Well-Being Through Well-Doing
Awareness Through Movement® = Well-Being Through Well-Doing It was thirty years ago that I limped into an Awareness Through Movement class at the Brighton Natural Health “Well-Being Through Well-Doing”